Monday, April 5, 2010

Happy Easter!!

This year we went to STL for Easter and had a great time!
The weather was perfect.
Of course, the Easter Bunny found John Thomas at Mimi and Poppy's.

In his Easter best with his basket before Church.

Enjoying some time with Nanna after Brunch

He was blessed by the Priest after Mass.
The blessing was that he be healthy and grow to be more like Jesus each day of his life.

Thank you Easter Bunny!!
He loved his new walking toy.
Walking to go see the Easter Bunny and
ride the carousel at Chesterfield Mall

Having fun with Daddy on the carousel

Enjoying the beautiful weather and Mimi's porch.
I think it looked like a Pottery Barn pic.

Eating lunch at one of Mommy's favorites, Cardwell's.

Hope that you all had a wonderful Easter as well. We are so thankful to have such a glorious God that has blessed us in ways we could only imagine.