Friday, February 18, 2011

Blizzard 2011

A few weeks ago we experienced an amazing blizzard in Oklahoma. In Norman we got over a foot of snow that lead to major snow drifts. It shut down the city for almost 3 days. During this time John Thomas was scheduled to get tubes in his ears... We ended up taking him to get his tubes on the third day of the weather event at 6 am. Despite the slow drive just a few miles away and the blistering cold air, John Thomas did great in surgery and is feeling much better! It is amazing how the tubes have helped him. Here are a few pics of the snow and post recovery as we waited in the house for the roads to get better. This is a pic of our back yard. It had at least 3-4 foot drifts.

Charlie enjoying the snow!

A little reading to past the time.

The result of spending a few days inside watching Daddy :)